Tuesday, September 18, 2012


There is a stop sign in my neighborhood where I have to wait for traffic to pass so I can make my left turn. More often than not, the approaching cars turn into the road I’m on without signaling their intentions so I am left to sit there and ponder the idiocy of bad drivers instead of making my simple left turn. And this can go on and on and on for upwards of ten full minutes. Now I understand the term “road rage.”

And how can I not go bonkers after barely escaping and actually sometimes being the victim of accidents caused by bad drivers? I wish I could say bad drivers are the exception – maybe I’ve just been unlucky - but in my experience and apparently the view of hundreds of other bloggers and articles on the Internet, they’re taking over our roads.

Who are they?

Turn Signal Turncoats

This is the bad driver who refuses to follow the simple rule that the blinker is the first form of communication between cars. These are the guys who always leave you guessing where and when they want to turn or switch lanes. They make we wish I had one of those boxing gloves attached to a spring that I could propel in their direction. They need their ears boxed.

Honker Wonkers

You all know these drivers. They ride their horn as hard as they do their gas pedal. They’ll give you half a second after the light turns green before they blow their horn. Has no one ever taught them a horn is supposed to be used only to avert danger? Perhaps each new car horn should come with an automatic shut-off after a certain amount of uses. A good percentage of cars would be hornless within weeks.

The Tailgater Nerve Graters

Oh, for heaven’s sake get off my ass. Do these people think for a minute that riding your tail is going to make you move any faster – especially if you're in a long line of other drivers driving at the same acceptable speed?

Parking Lot Putzes

These a-holes come in several varieties. 1. The creep who takes up two parking spots. 2. The idiot who blocks the road waiting for a spot that may or may not be vacated within the next twenty minutes. 3. The direction-challenged moron who drives up a lane that clearly has arrows pointing the other way. 4. The head-up-his-ass goofball who ignores your lights and directional signals indicating you’re leaving a spot and recklessly speeds by you just barely avoiding an accident.

Freeway Fuck-ups

There are so many of these annoying drivers, I’m going to have to narrow the offenders down to a mere handful: 1. Ignoramuses who drift into your lane while talking on the phone, texting, changing DVDs or programming their GPS. 2. Jerks who speed up to cut you off, then slow down in front of you. 3. Dopes who insist on going forty-five while merging onto the freeway and stubbornly maintain that speed while everyone else has to slam on their brakes to keep from hitting them. 4. Pinheads who swerve in and out of lanes, trying to get in front of everyone. Two miles later you’re right beside them at the exit waiting for the same light.

And, these are just a few of the bad, aggressive, reckless drivers encountered on a daily basis. I’m sure you all have a half dozen or so to add to the list. The saddest thing is we can bitch and moan about it, but there’s nothing we can really do except maybe honk our horn (a no-no), give them the finger (not a good idea) or stay home (yeah, right).