Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Here I am waiting…Again! I once tried to calculate how many hours I’ve spent waiting but my calculator doesn’t go that high.

Oh, the hours I have spent in the waiting rooms of doctors, lawyers and hairdressers. Do they think their time is more valuable than mine? I’m a professional, too. Perhaps I should bill them at my hourly rate.

I understand emergencies (I’ve been one) and a client who has more questions than anticipated (mea culpa) and a day blowing up because one salon client is late (never me). What I don’t understand is keeping people waiting as a way of life.

Some of the people I love most have a flexible relationship with the clock. I know this about them and have come up with many ways of coping. Some are obvious, some not. Don’t bother asking, I won’t give away my trade secrets here lest they read this and catch on.

Given the traffic conditions in Los Angeles, most everyone allows a ten-minute window of waiting. Somehow I manage to get wherever I need to go on time. And I’m time dyslexic! I can’t tell you if something happened a week ago or two months ago. I can quote conversations; I just have no concept of time. But I am punctual.

Last week I sat in a restaurant 12 miles from home. It was twenty minutes after the agreed upon time. The acquaintance I awaited picked the place, the time and, I believe, lives 5 minutes away. He requested the meeting because he needed a favor. Did he think this Fairy Godmother would be inclined to wave her magic wand and grant his wish after he’d been so cavalier with my time?

I expected him to stroll in with some tried and true excuse – a last minute phone call or L.A. traffic or the dog ate his date book. He used the “I lost track of time” excuse and gave me puppy dog eyes. What? Was he the dog that ate his date book?

If you can’t meet me on time at least come up with an entertaining story. My faves are: 1) I remembered I wasn’t wearing underwear and had to go home. 2) There was an accident on the way here and I had to stop to call 911 and a woman went into labor and I had to help and when I went back to my car it had been towed. 3) A naked guy popped out of the stairwell in the mall and I was so horrified I had find security and they made me fill out a report while the guy dressed and left. And the Grand Prize winner is: I couldn’t remember where I parked my car.

So here are some suggestions gleaned from years of experience (and mother’s etiquette lessons). If you have to be somewhere, don’t answer the phone on the way out. If you’re on the phone when it’s time to go, excuse yourself. Anybody worthy of your time will be considerate of mine. If you have to stop for an emergency, get stuck in traffic or misplace your car, call me, text me, email me. We have these wonderful new devices now. Unless, of course, you can’t find your cell phone. Then I don’t even want to know you.

You need to get somewhere at a certain time. So how hard is the math? Figure out how far you need to go and add extra time. Done! As for date books, most people use electronic devices now…with backups! Set your alarm for the time you need to hit the road. And if you are early (and haven’t lost your cell phone), there are some great apps you can use to pass the time.

So friends, please show up at the appointed hour. It’s so much easier than coming up with those same lame excuses, isn’t it? And please, professionals instruct your office to schedule your appointments more realistically.

OK, I’ve got to go now. Don’t want to keep my date waiting.


  1. Bravo!
    The female Howard Beale has arrived.
    This needed to be said...
    Too bad those that need to hear it, are either late showing up (again) or took a call on the way out of the house.
    I call this divide; `the on-time' and the 'out of time'. Glad to hear you're in the `On-time' group with me. Sadly, we're a dwindling minority.

    1. Amen, brother! I raise my fist in solidarity with the 'on-time' group.
